Golf Product Sourcing
Filling your line with great products helps you grow. We have the knowledge to connect with the right partners the first time.
We help you cut through the maze of available items and ensure you are adding the best brands or building your in house brand with the best.
With 2 Golf Digest wins in our experience base, we utilize our proven approach to get you ahead.
Automotive Aftermarket Product Sourcing
Growing often means selling more products to your existing customer base. New products create excitement giving your company the tools to grow.
With 1000's of succesful items placed in the Automotive Aftermarket we can point you towards real volume and steer you away from products that collect dust.
We have been there and can guide you the new product process in with business growth in mind.
Going to Market
Now that you have new products, you need them to sell. We help you create logos, packaging, and a marketing plan to help you sell.
Our Trade Show knowledge helps you to choose the best shows to build relationships.
Once the Trade Show plan is chosen, we can help you with booth designs that keep profit in your wallet.
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Intrendin Growth Management.
New Product Sourcing in Golf & Automotive Aftermarket
Our experience has brought 1000's of items to the marketplace. Sourcing, packaging and design have combine to produce innovation. If you need help launching a new product line, Intrendin Growth Marketing has the sourcing in place to ensure you get the best quality, on time and at the right price. We are passionate about growing Golf & Racing. We work to grow the game.