eCommerce Designed to Create Efficient Visibility & Sales
We dig into your company and find the best solutions to present your products to the marketplace. Our personal collaboration results in identifying the right platforms to maximize your sales & minimize your expenses. We tailor a solution that fits your products and services freeing your people to attain measurable positive results. We strive to set your team up for sustainable success that creates profit while having fun creating progress.
We look inside your existing website & ascertain if your website platform is producing at maximum levels. Ensuring your site is optimized for visibility brings you more business. We look at your SEO, content, key words & more. From there, Intrendin Growth Marketing creates options for your time frame, budgets & goals.
Is your website in need of a refresh? Do you need a first time site? We work with you to find the best way to create a viable website that illustrates your services and products in maximum light. We point you to the path that meets your niche with real world budgets.
The Intrendin site was built in 1 week and costs around $20 bucks a month for hosting. We can build your custom site in an economically or partner with our proven team providing the ergonomic design that meets the scale of your needs. We can build a monthly update plan or create updates only when you ask.
Is it time for you to consider listing your products utilizing Amazon Fulfillment? Amazon Direct? Are you ready to start an Ebay store? Is Egghead right for you? We dissect your offerings and fit you with the right online sales platforms to increase your visibility and grow sales. UPS Logistics might just be the next link in your chain?
Does it seem like all your profits are going to credit card fees? We will analyze your statments and look at your rates. Setting you up for efficientcy is equally as important as costs.
UPS & Fed EX provide great service. We know how to work with these valued partners to get you maximum savings choosing the route that fits your business. USPS now has online tracking and the Post Office is now a viable option. We look at what you are shipping, consider budget and help you navigate to the best solution for your specific business.