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One Message Internally & Externally that work the mental gears of people

Partner Communication along with positive PR keep you in the news. intrending Growth management ensures the media and your fans know what you have going.

Effective Communications


Communicating your message, both internally and externally, takes a concentrated effort. Transmitting information that is relevant and timely increases it's value. Intrendin Growth Marketing creates conduits to deliver valued communications. We start by utilizing your internal resources. We can work with you team and handle communications on your behalf. Selective and targeted information if heard and retained.


PR with Impact


Building relationships with online outlets that are tailored to the needs or your company requires experiance. Effective PR presents real information that benefits those that pass your message on to create value.


Bombarding busy reporters, news outlets and other online media with content that comes up short is a sure way to have all of your press buried.


We are selective in our approach and use the quality over quantity method. Diligence paves builds trust and we focus on the information that has the best odds of going viral. A tailored approach identifies the best resources to spread company news. From coordinated product launches to important employee acquisition, we get the word out with concise information packets designed for maximum utilization.




© 2018  Intrendin, Inc.

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