Intrendin Growth Marketing meets with the people in your group that can best describe your positives, areas of need and your goals. We witness your company in action and watch how your people create wins. We watch and listen. Then, we go away and provide you with an Action Plan. Our recommendations target continuous improvement. We know you are the experts for your endeavor so, we give you a bin and allow you to trash ideas that are outside of your beliefs. We enhance and augment. We recognize prior success has allowed us our opportunity to add to your strengths. We are humble in our approach and present ideas that keep you in control.
Communication helps us to understand your goals. We watch, learn and listen. We know you have an expert view of your challenges and will provide us with your list of top priorities.
Together, we form a plan and choose the resources from our service menu that address your priorities.
We analyze the pieces of your group that are working well and form our independent review of your needs. We discuss budgets and costs and adapt to implement programs that attain goals within a predetermined budget.
Define and Refine
We work with you and define an Action Plan leveraging your strengths. We refine the plan and work with you to take the best ideas that allow your budget to do the best work. The collaboration picks the tool box items that specifically meet your needs. Once a plan is formulated - we get to work. We bridge the gap and find improvement.
Planning is great - implementation is grand. In order to succeed it pays to understand how success is created. Do you create wins by accident or do you understand the steps taken to repeat the process again and again.
We stay focused during implementation and steer clear of distractions. Adaptations are taken when a clear benefit is identified on the path.
Our goal is to improve by establishing routines that tackle the big gains ensuring your budget is utilized properly. We treat your company, products and personal brand just as we would treat our own. We exist to help and our mindset differs from the big agency approach. We strive to work with small and medium size efforts and build routines that grasp reality. We enjoy the big agencies and know that one day you may need to take on the mega expense.
By implementing programs that are the "right size" we can tailor real world solutions communicating in and old school fashion that produces new school success.